Tax Collector
Judy's Beilers' Contact information:
Phone: 717-529-6267
Address: 65 Lakeview Road, Kirkwood, PA 17536.
Judy does not have office hours at the Township Building.
Tax Collector, Judy Beiler, is responsible for sending out bills for local per capita and real estate taxes. Currently, Colerain Township's per capita is $10.00 per person.
For per capita tax records, your tax collector should be notified of the following:
turning 18 years of age
Name or address changes, if you should move from or into the township
When someone in your household turns 80 years of age or dies. After you turn 80 years of age, you are no longer subject to the per capita tax.
If you are disabled you are exempt.
Jean Hanley is the Deputy Tax Collector.