Auditors and Audits

Colerain Township Auditors 2024

The Auditors consist of three members who are elected by the residents for a six-year term.  Their duties are to audit, settle and adjust the accounts of the Supervisors, Treasurer, and Tax Collector.  They also set compensation for working Supervisors. No one was elected for the third Auditor position therefore, the Supervisors appointed Becky Kleinz.

Auditors for 2024

Becky Kleinz, Chairman

Susan Ryan, Secretary

Scott Kulicke

Each year an Audit of the Accounting Books and other items is performed by either Elected Auditors or a CPA Firm. Colerain Township has Elected Auditors and for 2024 they are Scott Kulicke and Susan Ryan.  Becky Kleinz was appointed to fill in the third vacant spot. Once the Auditor's agree on balances, figures, etc. the data is entered online and submitted to DCED for their approval. For Municipalities, at the end of the year instead of sending in a return to the IRS we submit to DCED (Dept. of Community and Economic Development).

The Pension Audits are usually done every 3-4 years and are performed by the Auditor General Office. 

The Liquid Fuels Audits are done every 2-3 years and are performed by the Auditor General Office as well as PennDot.